New today: S-Squad #17

THE EXILED: An Excerpt

There's a lot of me in this one; it's Scottish, it's set in Edinburgh and rural Scotland, and there's a particularly Scottish flavor to the people and the dialogue

Coming Soon

A Scottish supernatural fiction collection from Weird House Press in hardcover, paperback and ebook

Where I got the idea: THE AULD MITHER

A reissue of an old favorite

The Seton Family

The Seton family have been a recurring motif in my work almost since the beginning.

Where I Got The Idea: RAMSKULL

RAMSKULL is a return home for me after a few years writing Newfoundland based stories

Where I Got the Idea: ELDREN

Eldren: The Book of the Dark is out now in paperback, ebook and audio editions.

Where I got the idea: ISLAND LIFE

I love monsters....especially black and white ones with the zips showing.


S-Squad series #14. A creature feature novel from Severed Press.

Scottish Horrors

I'm Willie, I'm a Scotsman, and I write horror fiction.

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